[Taiwan] 台式泰菜Taiwanese Thai Food

Thai Town 瓦城泰國料理 Several locations, best ones for tourists: 1) Taipei Hankyu Department Store 7th Floor (MRT Station. City Hall Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Best Mango Shave Ice

If you're planning on a trip to Taiwan, chances are this is your food list: – Ding Tai Feng – Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Pinkoi Taiwan’s version of Etsy

Pinkoi http://pinkoi.me/11YqpSY       http://www.pinkoi.com/store/eighty-eightea

[Taiwan] A New Hostel Choice – C U Hotel Taipei

I have ever only stayed at youth hostel once in my life, that was years ago in Towada Lake in Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] 最好吃與難吃的泡麵

7/10 更新:   Hans Lienesch先生說除了阿舍, 阿麵達跟村家味也有跟他聯絡 也試吃過了 我看了一些網友的反應…這個新聞有傷我們台灣人自尊是沒錯 我看到新聞時第一個反應也是"這誰呀!" 可是~ 1. 美食部落客的定義本來就是個人喜好…不能說因為人家跟你口味不一樣就不爽 你可以不要看啊!!!   以前我有個同事也常三不五時來跟我說我寫的餐廳都不好吃 我只好請他不要再上我的部落格了 免的浪費他的寶貴時間 2. 批評人家前先搞清楚狀況… 維力香辣牛肉麵連維力都承認台灣沒有賣 既然台灣沒賣, 大家吃過嗎? 怎麼知道好吃? 3. 台灣人常說要多做國際社交, 其實這次就是機會啊~ 大家這麼有信心台灣泡麵絕對有前十名的水準, 那就寄給他吃啊~ 要不寫信給維力、統一請他們幫忙也可以啊 不要讓人家以為台灣人都很兇, Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Honey Toast – Dazzling Cafe

Dazzling Cafe  Zhongxiao East Rd. Sec 4. Ln 248. No. 3.  Taipei. 台北市忠孝東路四段248巷3號 http://www.dazzlingdazzling.com/ie/cafe.php Dazzling Cafe has been one of Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Most Beautiful Bookstore in the World – VVG Something

VVG Something [ 好樣本事 ] Zhongxiao East Rd. Sec 4, Ln 181, Alley 40, No 13 台北市忠孝東路四段181巷40弄13號 http://www.vvgvvg.blogspot.tw/ Couple days Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Truffle Soup Dumpling

If you're coming to Taiwan, Din Tai Fung is probably on your list of restaurants to visit.  If not, you Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Lin An Tai Historical House

Lin An Tai Historical House 林安泰古厝 Bin Jiang Street No. 5. Taipei 台北市中山區濱江街5號 (MRT Yuanshan Station Exit 1) Google Map: http://goo.gl/maps/oPiJy Continue Reading →

[Taiwan] Shopping in Taipei

Being a girl I can pretty much shop for clothes anywhere and everywhere.  So the question "where do you shop in Continue Reading →