[Taiwan] King of the World Soybean Milk 世界豆漿大王


King of the World Soybean Milk

(Taipei MRT get off at Dingxi Station, and Exit #1.  Turn right once exit to the street level, and walk straight for 15-20 minutes, King of the World Soybean Milk will be on your right)


Google Map Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=234+TW%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E7%B8%A3%E6%B0%B8%E5%92%8C%E5%B8%82%E6%B0%B8%E5%92%8C%E8%B7%AF%E4%BA%8C%E6%AE%B5284%E8%99%9F&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.150864,72.685547&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=No.+284,+Section+2,+Y%C7%92ngH%C3%A9+Rd,+Yonghe+City,+Taipei+County,+Taiwan+234&z=16

Although this is Chris' third time to Taiwan, this is the first time I brought him to to the most famous eatery in Yunghe City, King of the World Soybean Milk.  Shame on me.

When the slogan on their cup says,  "World reknowned for over 50 years King of the World Soybean Milk" they're not kidding.  Whenever I meet a fellow Taiwanese oversea, and I say I'm from Yunghe, almost everyone's reaction is, "wow, lucky you to live close by to the best soybean milk in the world!" 

Chris ordered a small, iced soybean milk and I ordered a bowl of savory soybean milk (鹹豆漿).  Savory soybean milk is slightly salted, topped with green onion, crumbled fried bread stick (油條) and dried daikon (蘿蔔乾), it is hard to find a place that sells sovery soybean milk in the state,which is why I ordered them.  Otherwise, sweetend soybean milk is still my preferrred choice. King of the World Soybean Milk's soybean milk is famous for made freshly everyday in store, you can tell, because each sip is filled with the that freshly grounded soybean aroma.

We also ordered the "baked bread with beef" (燒餅加肉), actually I wanted the "baked bread + fried dough + beef + pickle" (燒餅油條加肉加酸菜), but I misread the menu .  The beef is well marinated, quite flavorful.    

Chris also wanted pot stickers and shrimp dumplings, but there are plenty of other places in Taiwan more famous for those two items, so I'm not gonna bore you with something mediocre.  

Our whole meal came out to NT$245 (~US$7), quite cheap 


3 Thoughts on “[Taiwan] King of the World Soybean Milk 世界豆漿大王

  1. 知道你回來有太多事情要做了,要拍婚紗,要拜訪親戚,要介紹未婚夫,
    但,如果沒事的話,可以找我喔!! 想介紹你超好吃烤鴨–龍都酒樓@中山北路
    [版主回覆 11/10/2009 07:48:08]mmm~~ can't wait!!

  2. Heather on November 8, 2009 at 3:05 am said:

    Actually there is one in Anaheim that sell savory soymilk but
    its a lil different. fried breadsticks, onions and dried
    shrimp… i tried it once ..not my cup of soymilk.

    this place only sells the fresh soymilk on weekends. you heard
    of 3.6.9 resturant?
    [版主回覆 11/10/2009 07:49:44]oh?? i didn't know that. i think savory soymilk is an acquired taste. when my dad ordered them when i was a kid, i thought they were pretty gross.

  3. I used to hate the savory soymilk when I was little. But now I
    think it actually taste pretty good. The one from 99 ranch is
    not bad either.
    [版主回覆 11/26/2009 13:34:48]99 有鹹豆漿歐??

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