堤到過好幾次我很喜歡shabby chic 跟 cottage 的居家風格
([亂亂買] 要夢幻也要舒適 Shabby Chic)
另外English country 或 French rustic 我也很喜歡
會開始注意French rustic是這樣的
他是非常非常的滿意, 因為是歐洲某個人體工學設計出名的牌子
還等了好幾個月從挪威運來 http://www.ekornes.com/us
雖然我實在不怎麼喜歡造型這麼當代的沙發, 但也只好妥協了
原先我想如果布料是淺顏色的, 還是可以有那麼一點shabby chic的感覺
但所有的人都堅決反對 (包括oc媽跟胖胖媽)
說淺顏色的沙發是災難, 我一定會後悔的
這麼深顏色的沙發客廳當然不可能走shabby chic風
有一天我逛街時意外發現沙發的色調很接近Restoration Hardware的風格
實際去Restoration Hardware的店看過很多遍後我也愛上了這種French rustic風格
(Restoration Hardware在LA有一間很大很漂亮的旗艦店, 有機會到那附近的話一定要看看)
(Restoration Hardware每年寄來的目錄都厚厚一疊)
雖說是參考Restoration Hardware的風格, 實際上過去幾年我也只加了
1. 法式麻布抱枕 (買自Restoration Hardware)
2. 咖啡色毛毯 (Costco)
3. 牆壁掛了幾幅復刻地圖
([DIY] 自己動手做招牌)
有一個我follow滿久的部落客常常分享French rustic的裝潢跟照片等等
這個部落客還有一項"服務", 就是接受讀者的裝潢問題
1. 在沙發不能換的情況下要怎樣布置出french rustic的風格? 我還能做些甚麼?
2. 右手邊的樓梯是30年前房子就有的. 看起來有點過時了, 怎樣可以不花大錢讓它煥然一新?
為了以防以後找不到, 我把讀者們的回答都貼在這篇文章最下面了
1. 買沙發套把沙發蓋起來
每個位子都可以往後傾, 套上沙發套的話就沒用了
2. 落地燈
這個主意倒不錯. 因為我家天花板的燈已經很足夠了所以沒想過需要燈
3. 加地毯
我也滿喜歡這個idea的, 有陣子我也有在注意地毯
4. 加入不同的顏色
有人建議加入紅色或金色 (這兩個我都不考慮…我最討厭紅色了)
french blue是比較可以接受…
5. 地圖掛太高了
這個跟French rustic沒關係, 但很多人說沙發後面的地圖掛太高了
聽這麼點出, 再看我家客廳的照片, 的確是太高了….
但當初這些地圖花了九牛二虎之力才掛上去的, 胖胖先生說他絕對不移
另外那面牆有兩層樓高, 遠遠看我覺得還好耶….
6. 擺些復古皮箱….
可是在自己客廳裡擺皮箱不是很佔位子嗎? 有點怪….
7. 樓梯後面的牆擺滿相框
8. 樓梯黑色的部分漆色
Laurie Nesom Leighton I would lower the pictures…there's too much space between the pictures and the couch
Heather Hardwicke Dueweke Add some beautiful ironstone and French flowers. Also, can you remove the carpet from the stairs!? That may open it up some. I've seen in Home Depot and lowes where you can add decorative accent pieces in black to pretty those balusters upYou've done a lovely job so far! Oh, add some vintage books on top of some old suitcases for end tables. Have fun with it and make sure you add what you LOVE, and you will be happy!
Laura Wilkins Siebert A slipcover on the sectional would really do the trick
Ermine Batsche I see a lot of beigh, need some pops of color whether turquoise, orange, green. Bring down the pics , too high above sofa. Mix some throw pillows with color along with the cool pillows you have, may need to take a few off, could stack in floor or in a basket. Some greenery along with a lamp on your table would be nice. Good luck!
Judy Bridges ALL great ideas, but my eyes see the stair rails distressed black for more color, also a few more pis and or signs into the staggering on the wall and maybe a hint of a good dark French red accent color somewhere…
Wanda Patton Collins maybe get a Standard French Poodle would give your room the ultimate French vibe!!! Just kidding!
Stacy Darby The only things I would do is get a really pretty French looking rug to go in front of the couch . Use a rug pad on carpet . Add a few more french pillows with a little more pop . These are pretty neutral. Put a painted rustic small table by the stairs with maybe a piece of french pottery .it's what your eyes catch that you need to change if you don't like it. My eyes never caught the stairs or the couch not fitting in.crown molding would also make it less contempory in the room .
Jalon Smith Burton I agree with Laurie, Pictures should be at eye level. It is so easy to hang them too high especially behind a sofa. Here are some more great tips I offer on hanging art on the wall. Good Luck and keep us posted on the progress! http://jalonburton.blogspot.com/2011/10/hang-artwork-like-professional.html
Beth McCurdy Also, maybe doing a gallery wall up the staircase to draw the attention on that.
Beth McCurdy I like the mix of styles. It has character and personality. As far as the staircase, maybe painting the spindles white might help? Is that end table attached to the sofa? It's hard to tell in the pic. If so, adding a lamp with a burlap shade may help it add to the style you are looking for.
June Gregory Color! Deep red as others have mentioned, or teal or navy. Sculpture, even plastercast. Colored pottery. Lamps/light fixtures.
Pam Johns Add color with pillows. Rugs, accessories/flowers. Also the first thing I noticed also was the height of the pictures…need to be lowered to eye level…then you may have room for something architectural above the pictures to raise your eye. Flaps with mixture of the colors would help also. Hope someone will repost with before and after shots.
Angela Nyborg I agree w/moving the pictures down, slip cover on sofa, maybe painted balusters & complementary rail. Also, you have such a wonderful opportunity for doing something large scale on the wall above the pictures. I'm not sure what exactly, but if not pictures or a quilt hanging maybe something metal that fits w/this decorating style?
Maria M Pancamo ~So pretty~
Wanda Patton Collins flowers and fabric are always a easy option.
Denise Donlon The first thing I noticed is blah…not in your spirit and desires but the colors -or lack of. COLOR!!! How about a rich red, some golden tones…very French. Artwork needs to be lowered (almost a foot it looks like), Slip covering this monster would not be cost-effective. How about trying wonderful colored pillows and a beautiful throw? Some LIFE is needed…some live plants in a beautiful ceramic pot (Home Goods)…iron lamp, a French-style table, a bright colored rug, artwork up stair case or some wooden wall hanging/ironwork (Hobby Lobby). Shop around Home Goods…they are offering nice French-style items…I would like to see your vision and end result. Good Luck.
Jo Valenzi Pignotti I would take some white or grey or french blue cotton duck and throw over the sofa … this will give an appearance of a slip cover … or have a slip cover made …. leave it loose not form fitting to the sofa ….. this will take away the contemporary look …. then add some ticking (pillows) in the grayish color of the signs above the maps … maybe add some french bleu pillows also ..I love the color of the wood on the staircase … perhaps paint the spindles and the wood at the top the same color .. add a nice throw rug in with all of the colors … grey … blue … some browns etc ….. I think you are doing well so far
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