知道了嗎?! 知道了嗎?! 是Star Trek The Next Generation 影集的機器人 Data!!
第一張照片是Chris今天在ComicCon花了US$50照的(美國最大的動漫展, 每年都Chris自己去)
幾個Star Trek The Next Generation 的演員今年都有出現
第二張照片裡還有La Forge
不過我最喜歡的是Data (Captain Picard我也很喜歡!)
Brent Spiner真的是超強實力派演員啊!
可惜, 機器人也會老~~~
(其實最後一部電影The Nemesis, Data在電影裡死了)
Didn't recognize the guy's name, but the picture rings a bell. Seen him on tv. He sure
look different now. No wonder can't recognize him.
[版主回覆 07/15/2012 13:43:13]He's hard to recognize even when he was younger because of his makeup in the show~ he seems like a pretty funny guy in person (there's a lot of clips of him doing interview on youtube)